Trading 103: QuickBar and UI Layout

The following items are some basic guidelines that I use when setting up the Eve client for my trading operation. Everyone is different, so take my suggestions into consideration when setting up your layout. There are a few ways to be productive with the current UI.

Window Layout

  1. Market on the top section. I merge Mail, Contracts, and Corporation windows into this section.
  2. Wallet with Orders tab open on the bottom merged with Inventory.
  3. Local isolated on the lower left and any special or intel channels above it.
  4. Station services left alone on the right.


This area of the Market interface is the lifeblood of my operation. Take the time to properly setup your lists with folders as it will allow you to quickly scan and locate items.

I’m only interested in around 400 or so items out of the thousands of items on the market — don’t spend time typing in the Search, have everything in your QuickBar!

I take one client and make it the master and when I have finalized  a number of edits to the QuickBar, I copy it to other character’s setups. There is a unique .dat file for each character.

C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\CCP\EVE\[eve instance name]\settings (Windows 7)

core_user_[eve user id].dat

Example of my organized QuickBar:

Order Highlighting

Enable this with the Market > Settings > Mark my orders option. I use this to visually show how I am controlling a market. It can also give you insight into how competitive the item is by how many orders have been updated since your last check.

Updating Prices

An update operation involves me going down the Wallet > Oders list, double-clicking on each row. If an order needs updating, I right-click on it and selecting Modify Order.


Did you know that you can move prices from the Modify window up or down by 0.01 ISK by using the scroll-wheel? I discovered this by accident. Happy 0.01’ing!

What’s In Your Hangar?

I’m following the trend that Rixx Javix started and posting my goods. As mainly a trader and researcher, I don’t feel like I have a large fleet of PVP ships as I try to maintain a lean operation. ISK goes back into trading and manufacturing operations instead of sitting as a rusting Minmatar hull in a hangar.

I’ve blanked out the majority of my ship name but I’ll let you know that I name them all after Babylon 5 ship classes.

Trade Alt

This character sits in Jita 4-4 and moves and/or ships items around. I think of this guy as the holding account.

(396) Various capital part BPCs left over from copying capital part BPOs for passive income
(293) Various Tech1 BPCs left over when I used to do Invention
(14) Invented Tech2 module BPCs
(5) Invented Anshar (ME -1) BPCs for JF building
Ishtar, Onyx, Phobos, Pilgrim Invented BPCs

(1) Freighter
(2) Jump Freighter
(1) Orca
(5) Iteron Mark V

Long-term Storage

Research Alt

This character is working with around 290 BPOs worth around 13.59 B. I’ve always wanted to be able to produce anything in the game so I bought up the majority of the common module, frigate, and cruiser prints. The only Battlecruiser prints that I own is a set of the Tier3 ones.  I have no intention to ever produce Drakes/Hurricanes due to their small profit margin. I also don’t own any Battleship prints as I like to fly T1/T2 cruiser hulls.

Awaiting ME/PE research

Getting things done

Research alt junk drawer

Capital Bittervet Pilot

Capitals in lowsec and random Bombers

Random PVP ships

Random PVP gear

Subcapital Pilot

I’m training this character to fly all four racial Interceptors, Recons, Logistics, and standard BCs. I also have him trained for the standard T2 Alpha Maelstrom because it is such a common request in nullsec fleets.

Nullsec PVP ships

Random PVP gear

Other Posts

Rixx Javix
Ardent Defender
Jester’s Trek
Kirith Kodachi post

Inferno Bomb Animations

The art department did an amazing job with the new bomb animations. Each bomb has a very unique explosion and these screenshots barely do them justice. Time to dust off the old, er — new Nemesis. The new Bomber models also give the bombing experience a fresh feel.

[update] Video below!

T2 Alpha Maelstrom Cherry

Out of the spreadsheets and into the fire! I have always been interested in the ebbs and flows of power in nullsec and as such, I have a subcapital character in TEST for participation in the pony giggles.

I saw a Jabber announcement go out for a fleet that worked perfectly for me — after US dinner, before bed.

A lot of firsts happened on this fleet. It was my first official non-kitchen sink/random home defense subcapital fleet, the maiden voyage of my T2 Alpha Maelstrom (finally have Large Projectile Turret V), first time using optimized overview settings, and my first nullsec final blow.

(don’t laugh all you PVP’ers — I’m going to try to do a battle report)

Alpha > Scimitar > Huginn formup in Fountain. 140 in fleet mainly consisting of a Maelstromball with fast tackle support that headed into Delve. We encountered and played catch-up/evade/backtrack with a Nulli Secunda AHAC/T3/Dictor gang of about 100. Now blue’d Pandemic Legion joined us on a few jumps as we played around with the Nulli Secunda gang.

Three major encounters resulted in us blapping their ships as they came through gates while being tailed.

Once we jumped through, our Alpha Maelstroms pulsed MWDs and sat at optimal using Depleted Uranium L (1.2x tracking) ammo while fast tackle stayed on gate to lock down targets.

After a few T3s, some Guardians, and all their Dictor were down, they retreated home while we reinforced a few structures with the help of PL.

This was also my first time using Liberty Prime’s UI Generator settings and I have to say, their standard theme is quite nice.

I was easily able to flip between friendly/hostile/warp points and the color highlighting really helped when identifying targets. I recommend trying this theme out if you have any issues with your current Overview setup.

So watch out, this industrialist is growing teeth!

Mobile Trading

The Procyon Holdings (PROHD) name is expanding again as we push out into another development area — the Android framework. When I abandoned my BlackBerry, the choice to move to the Android platform was an easy decision. Market saturation, the development community, and fluidity between devices make this platform shine.

I’ve been having a few end user problems with the current iteration of our trading website. First, the native Android Gingerbread browser lacks SVG support, an issue that has bewildered me since I read about it. I can solve this issue by using another browser such as Opera, but I would like to use the native one.

Also working with a HTML + Ajax website on a device with a touch interface feels like you are not getting the full user experience. I want to scroll down lists with my finder, click and hold to expose options, and speed around menus.

Mobile Architecture

We had to expand our design and create a few new pieces to get data to the mobile world. New items include the creation of a daemon to simply database population, exposing data via XML, and working with an existing library to enable Push notifications.

Information Flow

The Daemon runs on our server, periodically pulls transactions from the Eve API, and places that information in our wallet table.

Our previous design was that you would have to hit the transactions webpage and it would trigger an update. Getting a page to refresh on a desktop connected via broadband versus a mobile phone is quite the different experience.

Android has a framework called C2DM (Android Cloud to Device Messaging) which enables you to send lightweight push notifications to devices.

Our vision is that when a sell order clears, a large/special sale has occurred, or a significant milestone has been reached, we send a notice. This will be visible on phone’s Status Notification Bar and cause me to act if deemed important. I have been forgetting to buy or trade a particular item after the sell orders have cleared. Forget things — lose profit.

Getting data out of our database required the creation of a webservice to produce XML output from our wallet table.

Here is an example of the sale of one item in our XML feed:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<transactionDateTime>2012-04-19 06:21:04</transactionDateTime>
<typeName>Cynosural Field Generator I</typeName>

Alpha Screenshot

This screenshot is our first proof of concept. We’re able to get information from an XML feed, display it, and get/cache images from the Eve image server. Major credit goes to my trading and corporation partner James, who has been doing the development work and educating me on the Android framework.

There is a lot we want to do with the mobile version. Menus, tabs, charts, reports, and the ability to add items to a shopping cart/wish list are all things on the drawing board.

Future Collaboration

This project is our first exposure to the Android framework and after the initial learning curve, we might perhaps coolabrate with the Aideron Robotics team on Aura. So maybe some of our trading mechanics will make their way into the Aura application.