Evemail from Gerard Nardeaux

I have not been keeping up with reading evemails to Blake Armitage as he has been grinding longer skills. As a result I have not responded to some really thoughtful evemail inquiries.

I now want to take the time to respond to a few of them. I contacted Gerard Nardeaux and he gave me the green light to post my responses on the blog.

2013.06.03 17:36
I am desperate to understand how you organize and use market and industrial data. EMDR is a great tool, but I personally have no idea how to parse through the literal fire hose of data and then load it into MySQL for clean price data. As a result, I’ve been taking advantage of sites that regularly update EMDR data. Do you use MySQL to sort through historical data to produce weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports? Or do you manually keep track of expenses and revenue? As of right now with a total of 8 research and manufacturing slots, this is no problem for me. I imagine it gets very difficult as the scale of production increases, though.

All of my graphs are produced in Excel with CSV exports from phpMyAdmin that is connected to our database. I aggregate records of every transaction in a simple ‘wallet’ table that is fed from a few character’s API’s. I then perform some simple data grouping or sorting in my initial query and then take that into Excel to make a user-facing graph or table as it makes it look more polished.

Outside of the normal SELECT and FROM statements you can leverage a lot of power by using simple WHERE, ORDER BY, or GROUP BY statements:

  • To take a look at items in 2012, use WHERE transactionDateTime LIKE  ‘2012-%’
  • Filtering only Carrier and Dreadnought hulls can be done by using WHERE typeID IN (23757, 23915, 23911, 24483, 19724, 19720, 19726, 19722)
  • GROUP BY typeID can be used to gather intelligence on how items compare to eachother
  • GROUP BY wallet.typeID combined with ORDER BY totalProfit DESC will let you know in Descending order which items are the most profitable

Outside of mucking around in the database tables, my partner and I use web based production and tracking sites to aid our projects.

Raath has created industry.darkshadowindustries.com, which strongly caters to our manufacturing wing, and I released my Wallet Manager that has a lot of reporting and profit tracking.

Keeping track of profits is done on a first in, first out basis as outlined here in a previous post.

You’re right to assume that my margin of error for asset tracking increases along with scale. I believe that I am currently giving myself a +/- 10B on a net worth of 200B. Right now there are assets in construction, transit, and in the wallet of a industry partner as we are constructing some large-scale items.

I recently had a discussion with Raath, who is warehousing the EMDR information, so this may help answer your question about how we handle it. We’re not using the data for historical trending, only what is the ‘now’ in New Eden.

(9:09:31 AM) Raath: the database should only have data going back 2 or 3 days
(9:09:45 AM) Raath: the point of it is that it aggregates current market data
(9:10:23 AM) Raath: but I was caching stuff from when I started catching the stream so I’ve got backed up about 6 months of sales
(9:10:45 AM) Raath: but now I hourly clear out expired orders so the only thing in our DB right now is confirmed live orders
(9:10:58 AM) Raath: and a couple of thousand confirmed expired

Odyssey Dreadnought Blueprint Change

As part of CCP Fozzie’s ship rebalancing efforts, he is removing the ideology of split-weapon systems. Ships like the Typhoon, Phoenix, and Naglfar, which historically had two weapon systems, are being phased out in favor of a single weapon type.

The change for the Phoenix and Naglfar were noted in the Odyssey patches notes as no longer requiring Capital Components which went into construction of the second weapon group.

The Phoenix no longer requires Capital Turret Hardpoints in its construction.
The Naglfar no longer requires Capital Launcher Hardpoints in its construction.
Odyssey Patch Notes

My interperation of these notes was that the build requirements were being removed. Today however, I found that they have shifted to the primary weapon group.


I did not see the post in S&I detailing the shift of build requirements per Fozzie.




Here’s a screenshot of the Naglfar Blueprint post-Odyssey for verification. As always, adjust your build sheets and database tables.


Odyssey Blueprint Icon Change

Blueprint icons got a polish in the Odyssey update.



I still want an easy way to see the ME/PE of a Blueprint from the Inventory window. Perhaps this could be added to the tooltip.


Moros Rigging Before Odyssey

Capital sized rigs are coming in the Odyssey expansion next week and they are going to cost much more than the current Large sized versions. For capital pilots that were thinking about possibly putting Tech 2 rigs on their ships, you be rigging your pre-Odyssey hull now.

I was reading over the list of changes this afternoon and almost forgot to purchase and install my own set of rigs in my Moros before the Tuesday patch. When I got home I quickly put Hybrid Weapon Rigging in the queue, and thankfully it will finish before the patch hits. I also have the extra 50,000 SP available to apply in-case I can’t make the window before patch downtime.


I looked over the GoonSwarm doctrine to pick which rigs to use. It seems that the goal with the Moros is pure DPS and to not use Trimarks to increase tank.
