Kronos Change List

Release date: Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014.

Patch Notes


Dev Blogs

These changes have been pushed to the Crius release on July 22nd.

  1. Building Better Worlds
  2. Industry UI
  3. Researching, the Future
  4. The Price of Change
  5. Team Up: Industry Work Teams
  6. Fortune Favors the Bold

Balance Changes

  1. Drone Changes [devblog]
  2. POS gunning skill to only require Anchoring 4 instead of Anchoring 5 [reddit] [dev post]
  3. FW Plex Cloaking Change [reddit] [dev post]
  4. Phoenix and Citadel Missiles Change [reddit] [dev post] [fanfest slide]
  5. Freighter and Jump Freighter Rigging [reddit]
  6. POS ME Bonus [dev post]
  7. POS Changes [dev post]
  8. Factional Warfare Complex Improvements [reddit] [dev post] [dev post update]
  9. More lowsec K-K wormholes [dev post]
  10. Hull Rigs [dev post]
  11. Exploration loot spew removal [dev post]
  12. Faction drone modules [reddit] [imgur]
  13. Dreadnought Signature Radius increase [dev post]
  14. Freighter and Jump Freighter [reddit] [dev post]
  15. Blockade Runner [reddit] [dev post]
  16. Medium Micro Jump Drives [reddit] [dev post]
  17. Loot Scattering removed [reddit] [dev post]
  18. Pirate Implants [reddit] [dev post]
  19. Hyperspatial Accelerators Modules [reddit] [pastebin]
  20. Active mid slot scanning modules [reddit]
  21. Supercarrier changes [reddit] [news post]


  1. Right-click Menu Update [reddit] [youtube]
  2. Warp in/out animations [reddit] [gif]
  3. Faction Station Skins
  4. Team Pirate Unicorns Tooltip changes [dev post]
  5. Lens Flare Adjustments [dev post]
  6. UI Little Things [dev post]
  7. Audio Customization [dev post]


  1. Dominix redesign [reddit] [imgur]
  2. Moa redesign [reddit]
  3. Typhoon redesign [reddit]
  4. Condor / Crow / Raptor redesign [reddit]
  5. Mordus Legion [dev post]
    1. Frigate – Garmur
    2. Cruiser – Orthus
    3. Battleship – Barghest [reddit] [imgur]
  6. Prospect [reddit] [dev blog]
  7. 20 Ship Skins [dev post]
  8. Alliance Tournament XII Ships
    1. Chameleon
    2. Whiptail
  9. New skins [imgur]

Internal Code

  1. Dogma, the name for the system that calculates ship bonuses, refactoring to improve performance